Socail Media Ethics

Social media is a virtual town hall where people share exchange their point of views and show their grievance. Social media ethics played a vital role for the reader as well. These ethics have been discussed in serval platform. As it is very difficult for any country to monitor and control social media(twitter, facebook,youtube,vimeo etc.) and monitor the uploading of unacceptable content.


In recent times, people start expressing their concern about misusing of social media through spreading fake news, hate speech and online bullying which are commonly faced by every other individual.

However recently a constructive development took place in US where the social media giants are operating. These platforms are trying to develop their control to address the concern of people within their own country.

Therefore, to quickest easy solution of ethical problem is to proscribe the anonymity on social media. While the expressing opinion can never be undermine, It is not fundamentally right to express one`s opinion anonymously. Hiding behind anonymity showing there have no responsibility for abusing the platform and hate speech. They may be impersonate individuals.


Pakistan`s government should take the major action against these individuals, although it is a mass task and seem difficult , but not impossible government can implement some sort of inland  verification systems to verify the user and block non verified accounts on. Moreover we as responsible citizen have the responsibility to participate in prohibiting the misuse to social media. Official media account user for example news organization should ensure that only verified user comment on their posts. Mostly official account user are more careful with their language and actions, as they are showing their responsibility towards society.SocialMediaMarketing

I believe all social media user are in favors of my approach and point of one`s action and approach will impact society and improve the quality of social media interaction to a considerable extent.

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